Meet Sophia Hillman, a driven, talented and passionate young lady who is our recipient of the Amy Bennett Musical Theatre Scholarship awarded virtually this June at the first ever Virtual International Thespian Festival. Selected by the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA), our 7th annual recipient, Sophia, is an incoming Freshman at Wichita State University, majoring in Musical Theatre Performance.
"I am writing you this letter in gratitude for the Amy Bennett Musical Theatre Performance scholarship that I received at the International Thespian Festival this June. I wanted to thank you. This scholarship is going to assist me immensely on my theatre journey. I am beyond honored to become a part of the Amy Bennett Foundation Family. As I was learning more about Amy and her life, I was thoroughly inspired by her outlook on our world. I connected with her words “If your dreams and goals don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough”. Every day I have and will continue to live by this philosophy. It is important that Thespians are courageous and persistent in the world of theatre and the stage of life."
- Sophia Hillman