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2019 Starlight Community Theatre Award

We awarded two Community Theater scholarships, both through Starlight Community


The first Amy Bennett Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Jenna Padro. Jenna is in the eighth grade and a member of the National Junior Honor Society. She began piano lessons at age five and has since added voice and acting lessons to her repertoire. Jenna's work with the Starlight Community Theater allows her to hone her skills. To date, she has performed in Willy Wonka Kids and The Wizard of Oz. She is currently in the production of Disney’s Frozen Jr. Jenna’s future goal is to study in New York and act on Broadway.

We awarded our second scholarship to Beth Amerine. Beth is a 14-year-old ninth grader at the Arizona Conservatory for the Arts. Two years ago, Beth had brain surgery to correct headaches and dizziness, which led to a condition called Dysautonomia (POTS).

Instead of being labeled disabled, Beth became determined to do what she loved most, theater. She spends hours at Starlight Community Theater which she calls her “Happy Place”. She loves acting, sounds and lighting and tech. Beth is a true inspiration.

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