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2023 UNC Amy Bennett Memorial Scholarship in Musical Theatre

We are happy to announce our most recent scholarship recipient selected by and awarded at the University of Northern Colorado. Willow Johnston, welcome to the ABF Family! We are so excited to have you be part of the Amy Bennett Foundation. We look forward to meeting you. The Amy Bennett Memorial Musical Theatre Scholarship is near and dear to our hearts as are you! Congratulations Willow!

A few words about/from Willow:

"I have always loved doing theatre since I was little. I started out by doing my local children’s Theatre. I grew up in a really small town called Swink Colorado. It’s in Southeast Colorado and my hometown currently has a population of about 600 people. I participated in my church’s children’s and adult choir as well as my voice teacher’s community children’s Choral. I attended high school in our neighboring town, La Junta. I did the school plays, was on the Cheer Squad, was in FBLA, and performed for my school’s Forensics/Speech and Debate Club. That’s really where I decided to commit more to the arts. I’ve also always loved writing and creating. I’m currently working on a manuscript for a book I want to publish someday, but I also just love to write about anything. I also am a huge history geek. I have always loved learning and watching documentaries. My love for it has been especially helpful since I am also working as the dramaturg for Titanic. I would also love to pursue a career in dramaturg work as well in my future. "

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