Inspiration means "to breathe life into" or "to share breath." I have been inspired by a handful of people and experiences that have touched me deeply and changed the way I view myself and my role on Earth. But the most profound inspiration in my life is undoubtedly Amy and the profound space that she left in our lives when she passed.
Amy's profound connection to the universal breath of life and deep, guttural delight in the creative process define just a few of her impacts on my life. Amy lived a life of nonviolence, non-attachment, and a life defined by deep love and joy, ease with what is. She was always making everyone around her laugh, exuding light with every word she spoke, note she sang, goofy face she made, and every embrace she shared. She continues to breathe life into me, just as she does to all of us. Her spirit breathes through us as we go on sharing her breath and light with others.
On Amy's 30th birthday, I feel joyful to think of her in such a state of bliss and delight, wherever she may be. My soul looks forward to the day I will be able to feel her warm embrace once more, singing together, the radiant sun warming our cheeks as we sit in a field of yellow sunflowers.
Happy birthday, sweet sister, I love you!